Recommended Internet sites: The SAMuslim Yahoogroup plans to focus on issues pertaining directly to South Africans. Programs, seminars, jalsas and other events can be announced on this group. Petitions can also be signed. Membership is open to all South Africans and posts will be moderated to ensure conformity to the Sharia. Emails will be restricted and your mailbox will not be flooded. There are some beautiful pictures of Musjids in SA. Various interesting articles on varied topics as well.Join now to build an online South African Muslim community. - Excellent site dealing with Qur’aanic sciences. Beautiful pictures of old Qur’aan copies and their history, some dating from the time of Uthmaan (radhiallahu anhu). - Range of Islamic topics covered. - Loads of interesting Islamic stories. - Keep up to date with the liberation struggle in Chechnya.
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