Henna (Arabic) or mendhi (Urdu) is a powder made from a plant which grows in Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Persia, Morocco, Palestine, Yemen, Egypt, Afghanistan and India.
The use of henna has been practiced by Muslims for centuries. Some historians say that the tradition of applying henna to the body began in the Middle East and North Africa in ancient times. It is reported that Hazrat Abu Bakr radhiallahu anhu used henna to dye his beard. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam encouraged women to use henna on their hands. Ibn Qayim Al Jawziya (1292-1350 CE) mentions henna several times in his book Medicine of the Prophet, noting that it can be used for certain headaches and for pain in the limbs. If anyone complained to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam of a pain in the legs, he told them to apply henna. (Abu Dawud)
Today more medical benefits of henna are being discovered such as that during hot weather, henna acts as a cooling agent when applied to the palms of the hands and the bottoms of the feet. Allergic reactions to natural henna are rare. Henna is used as a dye for hair, skin and fingernails, as a dye and preservative for leather and cloth, and as an anti-fungal.
The world has Muslims to thank for keeping alive a practice in which many benefits are found. Henna is used especially at wedding and Eid occassions. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam’s teachings are full of wisdom and benefits for health and hygeine as well as guidance. %

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