Web Guide Dec 2005 (2)

Enrich your Islamic web experience:
[Sites change. Not all content on all sites are Islamic-compliant. Use guidance of Ulama before accepting Islamic content]

http://www.anwaarul-islam.netfirms.com/ - Authentic site with Islamic books for free download. Has Q&A as well as links to other sites.
http://www.moonsighting.com/ - World sightings of the moon for every month with scientific data.
http://www.harunyahya.com/ - Books, articles on a range of subjects from Free Masons to miracles of nature. Answers to the evolution theory as well.
http://www.youngmuslims.ca/ - Canadian site run by young Muslims; has biographies on contemporary Muslims, brochures on issues like Hijaab.

http://www.cageprisoners.com/ - Site dedicated to the illegal detention of Muslims by the US and others in the war on terror.
http://www.everymuslim.net/ - Interesting articles on a range of Islamic subjects. Great thought provoking stories. Free software to convert English to Islamic dates.

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