Thinking about wearing Hijab? Tips to help you overcome obstacles that may get in your way:
Yourself – Not sure if you’re ready? Understand the reasons and talk to girls who have gone through it. Ask Allah for help. If you take the first step, Allah will help you. A hadith states:
"If [My servant] draws near to Me a hand’s span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; if he
draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running." (Bukhari)
Your Friends – Worried about how your buddies will take it? They should accept your decision and be proud of your courage. Give them time. Be conscious of Allah, not the girls or guys.
Your Parents – It’s difficult to do things when people closest to you oppose it. It’s our duty to please our parents, unless their wishes go against the command of Allah. Ease them into your decision.
At School – It takes courage to be different. You are likely to hear, ‘what is that thing on your head?’ or ‘who made you do it?’ Questions aren’t bad. Know your reasons and explain why you chose Hijab.
Recreation – What about swimming or other sport? Organize sisters-only get-togethers.
Young Muslims of Canada