Enrich your Islamic web experience:
[Not all content on all sites are Islamic-compliant. Use guidance of Ulama before accepting Islamic content]
http://www.mediareviewnet.com/ - Media Review Network. Covering media reporting of Muslims
http://www.radio786.co.za/ - Radio 786 South Africa’s website
http://home.intekom.com/southafricanhistoryonline/pages/sources/history-muslims/muslim-index.htm - History of Muslims in SA
http://www.islamicfinder.org/index.php - Lots of Islamic stuff
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=home - Site dealing with US atrocities, etc on the world.
http://www.tafsir.com/ - Website with Tafsir Ibn Kathir in English
http://www.sahaba.net/index.php - stories of the Sahaaba Radhiallahu anhum
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