Every man on Earth today is related, linked by a Y chromosome to a common ancestor.
"We all have a Y chromosome that existed in the same guy," said Michael Hammer, assistant research scientist at the University of Arizona whose study appeared in the journal Nature.
Hammer compared the detailed makeup of the Y chromosome sampled from Africans, Australians, Japanese and Europeans. The results suggest that all men alive today could trace their Y chromosomes back to the same person.
Science writer Steve Olson’s article in the journal Nature: With professors Joseph Change and Douglas Rohde, Olson writes that a new statistical model shows that all human beings have a common ancestor.
O Mankind! fear your Guardian Lord, Who created you from a single Person,Created, out of it, his mate, and from them two scattered (like seeds) countlessmen and women … [4:1]
This fact was stated by the Qur’aan 1400 years ago while scientists are only now discovering it.