Hajre Aswad

Some facts on this stone

  • The Hajr Aswad (Black Stone) is in the eastern corner of the Ka’bah, implanted in the wall about 1,1 metres from the ground.
  • The Black Stone came from Paradise and was whiter than milk. The sins of man turned it black.
  • This stone will be taken back to Paradise before the end of the world.
  • It is described as similar to volcanic stone and basalt, while its colour is mottled reddish-black with yellow grains.
  • The Black Stone is from amongst the rubies of Paradise which Aadam (alaihis salaam) brought with him from Paradise. It was placed in a corner of the Ka’bah.
  • At the time of the flood of Nooh (alaihis salaam), the Black Stone was buried in Abu Qubais Mountain. When Ebrahim (alaihis salaam) rebuilt the Ka’bah, Jibra-eel (alaihis salaam) presented it to him and it was returned to its original position.
  • In 684 CE, the army of Yazid attacked Ibn Zubair (radhiallahu anhu), whose forces were around the Ka’bah. A fire started and the walls of the Ka’bah weakened. The Black Stone broke into 3 pieces and was repaired with silver.
  • In 929 a Shia army stole the Black Stone. It broke into several pieces and the spot remained empty for 21 years. The Shia said it would be returned if they could separate it from other stones. Ulama told them to put the stones in a fire. The Black Stone pieces didn’t burn as they were from Paradise. It was returned from Bahrain.

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