Al Tawheed Islamic Centre

Al Tawheed Islamic Centre was founded in 1992 and now has 14 Centres with over 1750 pupils and 52 staff.


  • Education of new Muslims (nursery, madressah, Darul Uloom and adult classes).
  • Vocational training like sewing and building
  • Responsibility of Da’wah in one of the major prisons in Johannesburg (Diepkloof) with a total of 100 Muslims.
  • Social services such as weddings and assisting in marriages for new Muslims.
  • Medical services.
  • Burial services according to Islamic Rites.
  • Distributing clothing and blankets in Winter
  • Organising Iftaar and Sehri for fasting at all centres, and Qurbaani.
  • Organising, in conjunction with the Jamiatul Ulama, a course for Muazzins.
  • Bilal Technical College offers courses in furniture making, welding, and motor mechanics.

Sheikh Abdel Salaam Bassiouni is founder of Al Tawheed. He graduated at Azhar University, Cairo, furthered his studies at Jamia Ummul Quraa, Makkah and obtained an Honours Degree in Dawah and an M.A from RAU and Jami-Darul Ihsaan.

Contact Details:
P.O Box 2850, Lenasia, 1820
Tel : 011 854 9510/1
Fax: 011 854 2779

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