http://bewley.virtualave.net/riyad.html - Riyaadus Saaliheen online
http://stopthewall.org/index.shtml - Stop the wall campaign website
http://electronicintifada.net/ - articles on Palestine
http://www.inter-islam.org/ - Darul Uloom in Bury, UK
http://www.islamibayanaat.com/ - Ijtima and other talks, articles, etc
http://www.tafsir.com/ - searchable Tafsir ibn Kathir in Arabic and English
http://www.central-mosque.com/ - Islamic stuff
http://www.irshad.org/index.php - Dawah wal Irshad site, USA
http://www.as-sidq.org/index.htm - As Sidq, Canada. Articles on Islam
http://www.muslimtents.com/islamindublin/ireland.htm - Islam in Dublin
http://www.muslimtents.com/historyofmedicine/ - History of medicine and Muslims
http://www.prohijab.net/english/main.htm - site on hijab news internationally
http://www.reciter.org/ - online Qur'an with Arabic, tafseer, translaton, etc
http://www.madinaharabic.com/ - learn Arabic for free with audio, Madinah university course
http://www.mehrcoin.co.za/ - New gold mehr coin website
http://www.halaal.org.za/ - National Independent Halaal trust website
http://yunuspatel.co.za/ - Moulana Yunus Patel saheb site
http://www.darulihsan.com/ - Darul Ihsan of Mufti Z Bhayat. Musjid posters, QA, etc
http://www.jamiat.co.za/library/books/bzewar/bahishti_zewar.htm - Behishti zewar online

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