World News July 2007

AFGHANISTAN - Taleban radio station, Voice of Shariat, has begun broadcasting again. It can be heard in 4 south-eastern provinces. (BBC, Jun 21)
INDONESIA - 8,400 villagers have been moved to camps away from the Mount Gamkonora volcano which started spewing out hot ash and smoke. (BBC, Jul 10)
PHILIPPINES - Mujahideen killed 14 marines and wounded 9 in a battle on Basilan island. 4 Mujahideen were killed. Abu Sayyaf and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front are seeking an independent Islamic state in the south. (BBC, Jul 11)
LIBYA - Supreme Court upheld death sentences imposed in 2004 on 5 Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor for infecting children with HIV. 56 of the 438 children infected with tainted blood have since died. A mediating body agreed a financial settlement with the children's families. (BBC, Jul 11)
ALGERIA - A suicide bomber targeted a military barracks killing nine soldiers ahead of the opening of the All-Africa Games. Mujahideen have been fighting since 1992 when the military cancelled elections which Islamists won. (BBC, Jul 11)
YEMEN - 367 people have died and 118 are missing after trying to reach Yemen from the Horn of Africa so far this year, says UN refugee agency. 8,600 smuggled people have arrived in Yemen this year - a 30% fall since 2006. People are fleeing mostly from Somalia or Ethiopia. (BBC, Jul 10)
LEBANON - 80 soldiers and 60 Mujahideen have died in 7 weeks of fighting in Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp. 40 civilians have also been killed. Islamic group Fatah al-Islam is battling govt soldiers. 30,000 Palestinians lived in the camp. (BBC, Jul 11)
UK - Salman Rushdie whose book The Satanic Verses insulted the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and sparked protests by Muslims around the world in 1989, was knighted by the Queen in a further insult to Islam. Muslims protested the knighthood in many countries. (BBC, Jul 10)
INGUSHETIA - A series of attacks by 200 Mujahideen was the biggest operation in Muslim Ingushetia since fighting broke out between Mujahideen and Russia in neighbouring Chechnya a decade ago. Attacks targeted police and border posts near Nazran Jul 9. 92 Russian soldiers were killed and 60 wounded. 2 Mujahideen died. Russian-backed Chechen Pres Kadyrov was killed last month in a bomb attack. (BBC, Jul 11)
SOMALIA - Police arrested many people from a Musjid in Mogadishu while they were reading salaah. Islamists and the Hawiye clan are opposed to Ethiopian troops in Somalia and are carrying out attacks regularly. (BBC, Jul 10)
INDONESIA - 2 children died and dozens of passengers missing after a boat disappeared travelling from Buru to Ambon. Its engine failed in rough seas. Many use sea transport to move between islands. (BBC, Jul 11)
PAKISTAN - The army stormed the Red (Laal) Musjid compound in Islamabad after 2 days of fighting. 50 students, male and female, died and 10 soldiers when commandos stormed the complex. Many more students were killed during the week-long siege. 70 students were arrested as ‘militants’. One of the Musjid’s leading Ulama, Moulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi, whose father was murdered by govt, was also killed. Male and female students at the Musjid and its attached religious schools had waged a campaign for months calling for Islamic law. They shut down brothels and campaigned for Musjids to be rebuilt which Musharraf ordered broken. (BBC, Jul 11)
CHECHNYA - 10 Russian soldiers killed and more than 17 wounded in Mujahideen operations in several parts of Chechnya. (KavkazCenter, Jul 10)
MALAYSIA - The Islamic Fiqh Academy conference of Ulama from around the world took place in Malaysia. (IOL, Jul 10)
EGYPT - April 17, the first 7 Muslim-owned satellites went into orbit. They were launched from Kazakhstan. 2 are remote sensing micro-satellites used to photograph Earth, and the other 5 are communication satellites. 1 satellite is Egyptian-owned while 6 are Saudi-owned. (IOL, Apr 19)

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