New from Bukhara Publications

1. In the Footsteps of the Sahaaba:
Booklets with the translation of the Arabic Suwaroom Min Hayatis Sahaaba giving brief highlights of the lives of the Sahaaba.
Part One: Saeed Ibn Aamir, Anas Ibn Maalik, Tufail Ibn Amr, Ibn Huzaafah radhiallahu anhum.
Part Two: Umair Ibn Wahb, Baraa Ibn Maalik, Thumaamah Ibn Uthaal, Abu Ayyub Al Ansari radhiallahu anhum.
Sponsor publication of these and future parts @ R5 a booklet.
2. Islamic Focus Website
The site is taking shape with past articles from the Focus. Sponsor the web hosting, upkeep, web traffic of the site, etc and help spread Islam around the world.

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