David and Goliath: Sultan Saifuddin Qataz

IN THE 13th CENTURY, blood-thirsty Tartar hordes devastated all before them. Asia and Europe tasted the flames of their bloodlust.
Islamic lands fell before their advances. Village after village rang with the destruction of life. Corpses in their thousands littered the streets.
Until the fateful day, 650 years after Hijra, the wolves of Hulagu Khan entered the capital of the Islamic world, Baghdad, and laid it to waste.
"Up to a million Muslims were estimated to have been slaughtered. Dead bodies piled the streets, pregnant women’s abdomens were ripped open. The alleys of Baghdad ran with streams of pure Muslim blood.
There arose the man of the hour: Sultan Saifuddin Qataz of Egypt went forth to attack the seemingly unstoppable barbarians. At Ain Jaloot (Goliath's Spring) in Palestine the armies met.
Against all expectation the Tartars were routed. At the end of Ramadhaan, while the world looked for Lailatul Qadr (the Night of Power), the back of the Tartar’s was broken. Saifuddin’s successor, Baybars, inflicted more defeats on them and, eventually, the enemies of God, the Tartars, accepted Islam.
Saifuddin’s name was whispered in the dua of all the Muslims that year.


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