Road to Jerusalem: The battle of Hittin 1187

THE CHRISTIAN crusades in the 1100’s saw Muslims lose control of Palestine and surrounding areas.
Attempts to regain these lands were repulsed for about a century.

THERE AROSE the pious warrior Salaahuddeen Ayyubi who led the Muslims to stunning victories.
The Battle of Hittin in 1187 was decisive. It opened the road to the recapture of Jerusalem, Musjidul Aqsa and the rest of Palestine by the Muslims.

VICTORY AT Hittin cleared the route between Egypt and Palestine for Salaahuddeen’s troops and established his fleet in the Mediterranean. This fleet blocked the movement of European ships in the area.

JERUSALEM suffered as a result of Hittin. In addition to the loss of most of its male population, it suffered a shortage of food because the battle had occurred at harvest time and crops were lost.
Refugees so crowded the streets, that the walled city could hardly accommodate them. Faced with these problems, Jerusalem could not resist an attack very long.

SALAAHUDDEEN positioned his troops at Hittin the night of 2 July. As 3 July dawned, battle commenced. The Christians retreated, to no avail, to Mount Hattin. Victory for Islam occurred on Saturday 4 July.

A day to be remembered by Muslims as it led to the reconquest of Al Aqsa.

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