With Thanks

(on the 2nd Anniversary of the Islamic Focus in 2005)

"He who does not show gratitude to people (who have done him a good turn), has (in fact) not shown gratitude to Allah."

It’s been two years (now five years 2008) since the Islamic Focus hit Port Elizabeth & Uitenhage. We hope that we have played some small role in the Islamic awareness of Muslims here.

WE TAKE THIS opportunity to sit back and review the 2 years of publication. In the beginning, it was the kind words of encouragement of locals which set us off on this path. Their advice proved invaluable.
The Cupps provided the early impetus for the start of the Focus, their takeaway serving as the first editorial boardroom!

WITHOUT A SHADOW of doubt, the selfless financial support of our various advertisers kept us going. May their every cent earn multiple rewards.
The permission of the various Imams in allowing the distribution of the Focus from their Masaajid must also not pass unnoticed.
Many and special thanks need to go to my wife who has to put up with my late hours at the computer when an issue needs to be printed.

THE READERS in particular need to be thanked for taking the time to read and comment on each issue of the Focus. Moral support and kind words have sustained the production of the Focus.
This thanks cannot be complete without mention of my teachers who taught me about the glorious religion of Islam, my parents and especially my grandfather (may Allah fill his grave with light) who instilled in me a love for things Islamic.
Our heartfelt gratitude to the printers who ably meet our taxing demands. Those we have left out, may their efforts not go unrewarded.

WHAT THE FUTURE holds we cannot say. What we can hope for is your continued support and aid from Allah to carry on.
May we enjoy more years together celebrating the beauty of Islam in its myriad forms.

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