Carpets and Rugs

In the East and Muslim countries, carpets and rugs have been widely used for centuries. They have been sent as diplomatic gifts. Oriental carpets have long been recognised as the finest examples of works of art in their own right.
Millions of Muslims have carried prayer rugs with them wherever they have gone and still do. The West remained backward in the use and making of carpets until after the Middle Ages when they conquered Spain from the Muslims and with it the advanced knowledge and art of the Muslims. From first to last Oriental carpets have been in a class of their own. They are highly prized by the West and only the very rich could posses them until now. It is a craft that is an expression of Islamic culture. Typical of Islamic arts are the brilliant colours and intricate patterns.
Muslims from the Caucasus to Turkistan have produced thousands of these practical art pieces. Islamic culture had a profound influence on the history of the carpet. Therefore, geometric designs replace images of living creatures, the depiction of which are banned in Islam. Ceaseless demand for prayer rugs did much to keep the craft of carpet-making alive through the centuries.

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