Let us look back at that momentous occasion in a Muslim’s life; the Hajj:
2.5 million people, an entire city on the move. The amounts of facilities needed for Hajj are staggering.
Over 90 million bread loaves alone are distributed. Zam Zam flows in gallons.
No account of Hajj is complete without the mention of Ebrahim (alaihis salaam)’s sacrifice of his son. He taught us a lesson in parent-child interaction.
After seeing the dream of slaughtering his son (the dreams of Prophets are revelation) he could have dragged his son along and slaughtered him.
Instead, he asked his young son’s opinion:
O my Beloved Son … what do you think (about this)?
[Qur’aan 37:102]
We need to introduce this principle of engaging with our children.
One of the biggest challenges facing returning Hujjaaj is how to keep the enthusiasm alive that was found in Hajj.
The Qur’aan gives us a formula which we can all relate to:
When you have finished your devotions (of Hajj), then remember Allah as you remember your fathers or with a more lively remembrance.
[Qur’aan 2:199]
This is a prescription that all people can relate to. Every culture has special occasions for remembering and honouring their fore-fathers and these are done with great pomp.
America’s July 4th celebrations recount the founding of the country by the fore-fathers. Every country celebrates their pioneers in this way. SA has Freedom Day, April 27.
Everyone knows the spirit that goes into these occasions. Muslims need to convert this spirit into the remembrance of Allah.
Our relationship with Allah needs to be vibrant. He must be in our thoughts at all times, either verbally, or in our consciousness, as we strive to model our life on His commands and as we speak to Him, communicating directly our needs.