Modern Slavery

Behind the scenes of a West that bleats about human rights:

  • ­UK Home Office minister said, "Men who use prostitutes are supporting drug dealers and abusers."
  • UK Home Office estimates 80,000 women are in the vice trade in the UK. 95% of prostitutes use heroin or crack.
  • Florida State University’s human rights center said, The US is a major destination country for modern-day slavery.
  • Center for the Advancement of Human Rights said 50,000 women and girls are trafficked into the US annually and forced into prostitution.
  • The Congressional Committee on International Relations slammed US, UN, and Israeli officials for trafficking women and girls for the sex industry in Bosnia and Israel.
  • IOM estimates: 500,000 women trafficked to Europe in 1995. Many are underage girls duped into slavery by organized crime.
  • ECPAT estimates the number of children in the sex industry in 1994: Brazil 500,000; India 400,000; Thailand 850,000; Taiwan 100,000; Nepal 200,000; North America 300,000.
  • Political Economy Center estimated the world sex industry generated 1993-95: R120billion!

Can one doubt the wisdom of the Islamic system of Hijab which Qur’aan declares a protection for women against harm? [33:58]

Promote Islam’s Laws: the ONLY safeguard against man’s evil

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