Ideal Invite

Muslims are enjoined to call people towards good. Here are tips on how to do this successfully.
Sincerity. The call will have effect if done to please Allah.
Be kind. A person urinated in the Musjid. Sahaaba wanted to kill him but the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) told them to let the man finish and clean the place. He then acquainted the person with the correct procedure.
Teaching technique. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) taught in marvellous ways, using methodology that modern teachers are only now discovering. In a hadith where he exhorts the joining of family ties, he first puts forward the benefits in a way that draws the listener’s attention: Who is pleased with an increase in sustenance, or with blessing in his life… Thereafter he gives the way: He should join family ties.
Offer advice in secret. The Hadith tells us that whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter. (Muslim) By counselling people in this way it pens the avenue for further discussion and interaction. Choose the proper time and place to offer advise.
Don’t humiliate. Use words that display concern for the one being advised. Before speaking, think: will I be able to meet this person tomorrow without me feeling guilty and without him wanting to avoid me? If so, then go ahead. The Qur’aan tells us to use good words when calling people to the Way of Allah.
Use wisdom. The Qur’aan tells us to use wisdom when calling to the Path of Allah. Hasan and Husain (radhiallahu anhuma) once noticed an old man making Wudhu incorrectly. They asked him to judge who from among them two did his Wudhu more correctly. They then performed the Wudhu in front of him. The old man got the hint and learnt the correct way while being spared embarrassment and without losing face.

Enjoining good is a noble act. It will be more effective if done according to Islamic guidelines.

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