Web Guide February 2007

Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.
http://darululoom-deoband.com/english/books/rightsinislam.htm - English book on rights in Islam online
http://www.ilkoneasia.com/ - Website for Islamic cellphone with Qur'an, Qibla direction, Ramadhan calendar, etc
http://www.tasawwuf.org/ - Moulana Zulfiqaar's site on Tasawwuf
http://www.kitabummuneer.com/default.asp - Site of Mufti Muneer Akhoon of USA
www.rabiah.com/convert/ and www.ori.unizh.ch/hegira.html - Calculators to tell you your Islamic date of birth
http://www.knowislam.co.za/ - Free SMS Fajr wake-up service
http://www.miraclebrush.com/ - Site dedicated to the Misawaak
http://www.qisas.com/ - Inspirational stories

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